Mediumship Essentials is for the lightworker with a foundation and ready to take it to the next level. International Psychic Medium & Certified Master Spiritual Teacher Colby Rebel goes into detail regarding the areas that matter most within a spirit connection.
โฆ Go deeper with your connection
โฆ Trust what spirit is giving you
โฆ Get more detail within your connection
โฆ Deliver a message with empathy & compassion
โ Bringing through unique details
โ Being curious about spirit
โ Getting Names
โ Mental vs Physical Clair’s
โ Blending with Spirit
โ Handling sensitive information
โ Preparing for a reading
โ Taking on Spirit Mannerisms
โ Physical Mediumship
โ Going Direct vs Indirect
โ Expanding your awareness
โ Recognizing correct information
โ Setting your intention
โ Dealing with multiple spirits
โ Releasing undo pressure
โ Conversation with spirit
โ Over interpreting information
โ Keeping the energy
โ Dealing with a NO
โ Psychic Amnesia
โ Trusting Spirit

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